Tazón, pieza única, Familia Gamez. Michoacan.
Primer taller de la ciudad de Michoacan,Tzintzuntzan
Luis Manuel Morales Gámez, Tzintzuntzan native, artist, and master potter, has created highfired ceramics for 25 years. His family has worked clay for five generations. Manuel Morales and his father, Miguel, a traditional potter who switched from wood-fired kiln to high-fired ovens, worked together until his father died in an accident.
Tazón Familia Gamez , Michoacán
Técnica: Cerámica baja temperatura
Medida: 8 x 15 x 15
Año: 2021
Serie: Cerámica
Categoría: Ceramica
Precio estimado
Se envia desde Oaxaca, México.
+52 951 516 4275